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Корешкина Екатерина Ивановна
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Корешкина Екатерина Ивановна

36 лет, Преподаватель вуза, стаж 3 года
Образование репетитора
Санкт-Петербургский государственный электротехнический университет ЛЭТИ им. В.И. Ульянова (Ленина), Реклама и связи с общественностью (2010 г.)
1 Репетитор по Русскому как иностранному
"Преподаю только дистанционно"
школьники 6-11 классов, студенты, взрослые
Цена за занятие:
Выезд на дом к ученику
1200 руб. / 60 мин.
Дистанционно (скайп)
1200 руб. / 60 мин.

Are you interested in improving your Russian?

Maybe you have learned it a bit, but still don't feel comfortable talking? Or you learned it to some level and now you are afraid to forget it? We can solve it together! I'm ready to help you feel at ease with the Russian language. We can chat about your daily life, discuss your favourite series or tackle your uncertainties in vocabulary.

I am an easy going but structured person and I love my language - these are the things that make me a good tutor:)

By the way, I am fluent in English - so, don't worry  - we will understand each other!

[ul][li] For me, teaching Russian is a great vocation, so I am really dedicated and only take a limited number of students! This means, you will have a lot of attention and also, that lessons will be personally prepared and structured for you. Each time! And it will not be boring at all, I promise:)[/li][li]I prefer to focus on conversation, reading and watching authentic materials. As for grammar, I am a big believer in the communicative approach. So, we will do some grammar here and there, but for the most part you will learn it from other aspects of learning the language.[/li][li]We will also discuss in detail Russian traditions, small everyday habits of Russian people. Are you interested in how exactly our cultures are different and in which ways they are similar? Want to watch some famous Russian movies, you have never heard about? Or maybe you want to read a bit of Russian classic literature? We can do all of that![/li][li]Perhaps, you heard that Russian is one of the most complicated languages to learn? Maybe you are not even sure it is actually possible to learn it? Quick progress of many of my students from UK, USA, France, Japan, Hungary and Poland definitely proves otherwise! With weekly classes you can certainly expect plus one level to your current one in no longer then 6 months.[/li][/ul]

A bit about me:

[ul][li]I work in marketing and in my spare time I enjoy biking, swimming and binge-watching series (yep...guilty).[/li][li]I was born and raised in Russia, St.-Petersburg, spent most of my life there. For two years I lived in Hamburg, Germany, while getting my master degree in brand management.[/li][li]As of today, I live part of the year in Tbilisi, Georgia and part of the year in St.-Petersburg, Russia[/li][li]I understand how exciting learning a new language can be and have a few tricks up my sleeve to make it fun and productive![/li][/ul]

Take the trial lesson and let's see how we can improve your Russian together!

Maybe you have some question, you want to verify first? You can write me a message and ask!

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от 1200 руб. / 60 мин.
Репетитор не принимает у себя, только выезжает к ученику
м. Петроградская, ул Гатчинская, д. 19-21
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